It is August 13th 2002, and WWE are in Seattle, Washington for yet another SmackDown taping. It’s a special occasion, as Chavo and Eddie Guerrero team up for the first time in three years. In fact, it had almost been that long since they even shared the ring, with Eddie jumping to WWF while Chavo stayed until WCW’s demise. It’s a similar scenario for Eddie and Rey Mysterio, as they’re just a week removed from their own reunion.

Before the bell, the Guerreros share a genuinely funny pre-tape, with Eddie discussing his “fabulous smile.” I’m quite excited to see their actual tag run take shape, as it’s work that I’m almost entirely blind to. Either way, Chavo and Edge get things underway, with the latter firing right hands and landing a flapjack to boot. He overcomes two attempts at interference also, bumping Eddie off the apron and hurling Chavo his way.

Eddie halts him eventually though, cutting Edge off on the floor and running him into the barricade. That launches some brief heat, as the Guerreros momentarily cut the ring off. Edge soon finds an answer however, bringing in Mysterio for an electric hot tag. With the referee’s back turned though, Chavo comes to Eddie’s assistance, setting up the latter’s trademark powerbomb. That feeds into the actual heat, though it’s still not extensive.

Nonetheless, the Guerreros are super aggressive, isolating Mysterio with sharp offence and quick tags. Eddie and Rey are just automatic with one another, I’m not sure that there’s ever been a bell to bell pairing quite like them. Every single thing looks gorgeous, it’s almost unfair. Regardless, Edge’s tag isn’t far away, receiving an enthusiastic double feed from Chavo and Eddie. You know, it’s very apparent to me how much Tazz loves yelling “faceplant,” but I digress.

Eddie avoids the Spear, then landing a brainbuster and heading up. Mysterio pushes him off, scoring 619 on Chavo only to be yanked from the apron by Angle. DQ finish, with Edge and Eddie doing their only brawling at ringside. In the meantime, Chavo assists Angle until Edge spears both. Pretty hot angle and a nice little match, even if too short to climb beyond that level. Even still, each individual piece of this is well-executed and it’s snappy stuff, ultimately working as a preview of things to come.

Heyman loves that play and it especially made sense here, considering the finish. Decent match anyway, six minutes well spent.  

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