QT Marshall vs. Roderick Strong (ROH Live and Let Die) Match Review

We’re in for Columbus, Ohio for this because sometimes, life is perfect. This is for the Confirmed Shoot Enterprises World’s Television Title. QT Marshall is ‘God’s Gift’ here, sporting a ‘Ravishing’ Rick Rude robe. Oh my, bring it back! On the other hand, Roderick Strong remains Roderick Strong. This building looks incredible and by incredible, I mean that it looks like an absolute bag of shit. Anyway, they wrestle, as advertised. Check the marquee, etc.

Strong teases throwing a chop which Marshall sells with terror, as he’s a real wrestler. Marshall recollects himself swiftly though, shoulder tackling Strong to the mat only to eat a boot for his troubles. Chops follow and indeed, I would be scared too. Reeling from the blows, Marshall remains a smart professional wrestler, countering Strong by dropping him dick-first on the top rope. Even in control, Marshall remains mad at the chops, checking his chest on occasion.

It’s a nice meat and potatoes heat segment regardless. Neck breaker, body slam, the real. WELL HOLD ON. I spoke too soon, as QT then offers his take on The People’s Elbow. Nothing meat and potatoes about that, folks. I’d honestly forgotten this whole “act” and am having a blast reliving it. Oh, that elbow missed by the way but Marshall maintained control for a little longer, with Strong ultimately rallying in transition. The usual strikes land, with Strong’s power offence not far behind.

Marshall isn’t done yet though, and we get some back and forth, with Strong landing the superplex, wrestling’s greatest move. Marshall stays alive however, producing the rare double pin before almost putting Strong away via heavy lariat. Strong has the answer, making QT pay for his taunts and hitting some signature offence before submitting Marshall in centre ring. Now THIS was “two solid pros having a match,” and that’s my kind of graps.

This is not a big show and you can very much tell, which I don’t mean as a slight. It’s more just the sense that they’re working a simple match for the house, the kind that works in a vacuum for folks purely there to see the matches. They’re also on second, going between two other singles matches. This is not the spot for your brainbuster nor falcon arrow, it’s a place to keep it moving and keep the people engaged.

They do that well here, somehow giving me Coliseum Video vibes along the way. God, imagine Lord Alfred Hayes calling QT matches, let alone Roddy. That thought will get me through the day honestly, but this was fun too. Run it back @TK!

One response to “QT Marshall vs. Roderick Strong (ROH Live and Let Die) Match Review”

  1. […] months after their Coliseum Video meeting, it’s time to run it back. Repeat or revenge, THAT’s the question! QT still has the robe, this […]


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