Pepper Parks vs. Roderick Strong (ROH Wrestling) Match Review

Oh yeah, this is the weirdness I’m looking for. Feels odd typing this but I don’t know, there are young people out there and so, Pepper Parks is The Blade. You know, of The Butcher & The Blade fame? You know, backup of MJF, Eddie Kingston and Kip Sabian, members of the Andrade Family Office, formerly the Hardy Family Office? Anyway, he’s Pepper Parks here, playing white meat babyface to a typically unenthusiastic ROH television taping crowd.

Regardless, these two get underway in “good pros” fashion, wrestling for position as Parks impressively holds his own. Strong responds to that by kicking him in the face which I mean, fair. Chops follow as well as a Greg Valentine-esque club, but Parks has an answer, landing a neckbreaker for 2. Strong’s strikes continue to be the story though, lighting Parks up with combinations as ‘Roddy’ chants sort of emerge. Parks fires back nonetheless, almost knocking Strong out with a knee.

He eventually follows up with a neckbreaker off the top, which was a proven weak point against Karl Anderson. Granted, that match happened a month following this one, but this aired after and so I am respecting canon. Oh, Strong won by the way, did his moves and tapped him out with the Strong Hold. They go around seven minutes here and get a few things done. Strong is battling through a rough run of form and that’s present as he shines Parks up some.

Pepper’s offence is mostly up to the task too, even if his presentation wasn’t going anywhere fast. Certainly fixed that piece of the puzzle in the decade or so since. This is solid though, I mean it’s nothing really but it also wasn’t worked with the intention of being reviewed by a Pepsi Max sicko in 2023. Ultimately, you get what you get, and I liked what I got. I like professional wrestling, famously so.

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