These two previously shared a series in 2020, as Purrazzo entered the promotion and became champion without a fan in attendance. They even had a 30-minute Ironman match, showing genuine chemistry throughout. Here, they main event a PPV with the now vacant World’s Title hanging in the balance, lively crowd watching on. There’s a nice tension to the early exchanges, with both contenders wrestling for position as Purrazzo makes an immediate attack on the arm.

Grace’s power makes it hard for Purrazzo though, forcing patience as she attempts to chip away. Deonna uses a decoy or two also, showing some stylistic range before inevitably returning to the arm. Jordynne’s athletic advantage remains regardless, using brute force to turn the tide with an explosive combination. Things slow down with Grace in control, setting a deliberate pace as she muscles Purrazzo around. Purrazzo’s persistence is present throughout though, regularly returning to the arm.

Those attacks allow Deonna to trade bombs at times too, which isn’t necessarily my favourite part of this deal but it’s usually transitioned to pretty well if nothing else. I don’t follow the weekly IMPACT product but Purrazzo is this match’s babyface, both in layout and response, so I understand expanding her offensive range some, even offering a high spot or two. Must say, some of it looks great, too.

Much as I love her style, Purrazzo isn’t the most dynamic wrestler but she’s made strides in that regard, which gives this match some different ingredients from their 2020 meetings. In the same way, Grace still has her own weaponry on the mat and so these styles continue to gel neatly. There’s some blood over Grace’s eye late, with a double-headbutt spot coming mere seconds later. It’s a shootout now and that favours Grace, shrugging off Purrazzo’s strikes but being baited to the mat once again.

Grace reaches the bottom rope though, firing back via spinebuster for 2. The Grace Driver follows and really feels like the finish, only for Purrazzo to kick out again. Purrazzo fights off Grace’s Muscle Buster though, landing a powerbomb in transition and closing the show via Queen’s Gambit. Pretty neat that ultimately, Purrazzo’s own power got the job done. Both women have evolved since their 2020 bouts but Deonna still has Grace’s number, regaining the World’s Title.

This was very good, a gritty, tactical affair. I really am high on both women’s in-ring, even if for totally different reasons. Grace’s firepower jumps off the page and Purrazzo’s approach always engages a loser like myself. Best of all, their respective strengths combine seamlessly, which you wouldn’t necessarily expect. There’s probably a more ‘epic’ version of this match that reaches greater highs but this certainly does the trick, a strong PPV main event for anyone’s money.

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