Seth Rollins vs. The Miz (WWE RAW) Match Review

Look, I know, I’m sorry too. Generally, I would only review something like this if money was on the line, but I am very bored and woke up to this thing having a 9 (!) on cagematch so here I am, for science. I have no problem with The Miz. At one point in my life, I’d probably have even said he was good, or whatever. However, he has looked a lot less good in recent years, specifically since returning from knee surgery which I mean, fair.

Truly, I am watching this because I can’t even really imagine what a 2023 Miz match would require to receive that rating. I’m not saying that to be silly either, I legitimately can’t fathom what’s about to happen here in this *checks notes* 12 minute match. That’s an increasingly unfamiliar feeling these days, which only increases my intrigue, so let’s get to it, I guess. Oh, Miz is wrestling Seth Rollins by the way, they’re singing his song and such, if you’re into that kind of thing.

Anyway, Miz jumps Seth before the bell, then throwing Wanderlei Silva knees as the contest begins. Okay, so the point here is that after being embarrassed at the WrestleMania, The Miz is fired up and serious again, which is a nice little plotline to get you through three segments of RAW. I don’t mean that spitefully, you need these things, it adds some personality to any television’s inevitable predictability. Speaking of fired up, Rollins is wrestling with a noticeable chip on his shoulder here.

He makes an early comeback, flying with some dives before being cut off on the outside as we go to the break. We come back at the end of Miz’s heat, which is ideal agenting. Rollins rallies right away and we reach a double down of sorts as the people continue to sing Seth’s song. Some admittedly loose strikes follow from the ‘Freakin’ fella, but the crowd is so hilariously with him that it’s hard to be a dick about this deal.

Either way, The Miz fires back with a damn Codebreaker and is very INTENSE after Rollins kicks out. Mean streak, etc. Rollins catches Miz’s first very funny kick, but has his frog splash blocked for a strong near-fall. A couple more follow too, with The Miz then targeting Rollins’ leg in legitimately creative fashion, locking in the figure four afterwards. The place is rocking and they are somehow getting genuine drama out of this figure four leglock false finish.

Rollins stays alive, eating two DDTs for his troubles but kicking out again. The big superplex, falcon arrow gimmick is his eventual retort, closing the show via stomp. Indeed, this was good, only assisted by the crowd’s absolute adoration for Rollins. The work wasn’t especially consistent but they worked an extended finish and didn’t slow the match with a heat segment that would’ve hurt both parties. Instead, they basically just went back and forth with their signature offence, which the audience loved.

As someone who only stops in on occasion, Rollins’ current popularity is quite staggering. I don’t even mean that as a knock, it’s just wild that after almost ten years as a main event singles, he feels more popular now than ever before. The Miz really worked hard here. He’ll never be the most dynamic wrestler but he gave it everything to portray what was being asked of him and ultimately, succeeded.

Very good match, probably not quite as good as that aforementioned 9 rating but in fairness, normal people watched this with low expectations, rather than going in wondering “hmmm, will this be a 9 out of 10?”

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