KUSHIDA vs. Steve Maclin (IMPACT Rebellion) Match Review

IMPACT Wrestling has had some terrible luck as of late and the result is this vacant title match. The match graphic alone sparked some debate as once again, this promotion had a familiar decision to make. Steve Maclin is their guy, a genuine success story within the IMPACT ranks. KUSHIDA is not their guy but he is KUSHIDA, undeniably boasting a much greater presence in the wider wrestling world. All of that is true, but also feels unfair to Maclin, who has come an awful long way.

I like Maclin a lot, I’m not sure that he needs to a “national” promotion’s World Champion but even still, this match should theoretically assist that perception battle. Nick Aldis is here on commentary, by the way, which is a very nice get for IMPACT that’s already been overstated in both directions, because of course. Either way, KUSHIDA strikes first at the bell, earning an early advantage as we inexplicably watch Aldis talk while graps takes place in centre ring.

KUSHIDA is outwrestling Maclin early regardless, forcing some stalling tactics from his foe. After struggling on the mat, Maclin tries to up the pace but that goes about as you’d expect, changing tactics again as he grabs KUSHIDA’s hair, yanking him into the top rope. Finally, this is Maclin’s match, bringing some roughness to proceedings as he goes to work. He really does so too, landing a gnarly backbreaker almost immediately. The back is a continued target, slowing KUSHIDA down on the outside.

That includes an elbow drop from the apron which appeared to be absolutely agonising for Maclin, but he’s earning good heat from this crowd. The handspring back elbow eventually earns some reprieve for KUSHIDA, rallying with a stuttered comeback, selling along the way. As always, KUSHIDA then targets Maclin’s arm, though they appear to lose their way slightly afterwards. This particular portion feels almost separate from the bout they’d been having previously, but they reach a double down regardless.

KUSHIDA’s selling is unusually spotty here, taking a big back bump on the stage with his own kick. They are taking turns for awhile here which is odd, as they appeared to be trending in a much more natural direction. The work is still mostly good though, even if this stylistic pairing isn’t best-suited to a back and forth affair in my view. It’s jarring too, as KUSHIDA’s work on the arm is unfocused in a way that his stuff almost never is.

Ultimately, they trade finishers, resulting in an awesome moment as Maclin simply clubs his way free of KUSHIDA’s hoverboard lock. KUSHIDA is relentless though, re-applying the hold and being crushed in the corner for his troubles. Maclin follows up with his finish, becoming IMPACT World’s Champion. This was a good match but as a fan of both fellas, I left it slightly frustrated as it felt as though they were headed towards something better.

I liked Maclin’s portion on the back and KUSHIDA ultimately retaliated, targeting the arm as usual. The match weirdly falls apart for me at that point however, meaning it was the complete opposite of a usual KUSHIDA bout. It doesn’t fall apart in the sense that they mess things up or whatever, it just becomes stuff after having some neat ideas emerging in the first half or so. It’s still good, at times showcasing the styles clash neatly.

Overall though, it doesn’t go beyond that which I think they were capable of doing, but such is professional wrestling. We’ll see how Maclin goes as champion, I have my doubts but am rooting for him, he’s certainly exceeded expectations thus far.

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