Finn Balor vs. Rey Mysterio (WWE RAW) Match Review

As mentioned in Tuesday’s review, RAW was a little different this week. With travel issues changing plans, some hectic rewrites were necessary, with this being the late notice opener. In addition, Finn Balor enters this match with a calf tear as well as the many staples that he required after WrestleMania. Luckily, these two could wrestle each other in their sleep, so all of the above will probably be irrelevant once the bell rings. They follow a very long promo here, with Dominik standing at ringside.

Either way, Balor brings it at the bell, with Mysterio immediately taking the Bret buckle bump. Rey makes him pay for a taunt though, firing back and stringing some signature offence together. Balor cuts him off in an instant however, going to work with those extended stomps of his while Dominik earns genuine heat with the simplest gesture. There’s some nice physicality from Finn here, including a couple crunchy chops before settling into a hold or two.

They go into Mysterio’s initial comeback soon enough also, armed with a fresh crowd that doesn’t take much encouragement to root Rey upright. The comeback itself is gorgeous as ever, because of course, and we head into the break after Mysterio’s rally. We come back to an instant double-down, with another classic Rey combination following. It’s somehow smoother than the last too, what is this man made of? Regardless, Balor halts the 619 via lariat, then heading up top for his finish.

Rey returns the favour though, cutting him off on the way and bringing Balor down with a rana. The 619 lands afterwards but Balor blocks the frog splash that follows, almost scoring a pin via roll-up. Balor builds on that too, launching Mysterio head first into the top buckle. Rey avoids Dominik’s planned interference though, taking out both him and Balor with a dive to the floor. Mysterio is so immense at pairing his flashiness with aggression, here bouncing Balor’s head on the announce table.

He can’t capitalise however, being dropped by Dominik on the apron after all, with Balor closing the show as glorious boos rain down. In the grand scheme of things, this really isn’t much but my goodness, what a gorgeous watch. Just effortless pro wrestling. I hate to go full “two solid pros” but what a seamless display, just flowing beautifully, every transition placed to perfection. These are the matches that have ultimately defined Mysterio’s career, no one in history touches him in this regard.

Granted, it’s not something that any non-sicko will actually remember but it’s so engaging, feeling truly alive throughout. In different hands, these matches are often formulaic and throwaway but Mysterio’s performance always ensures otherwise, holding my full attention more times than not. He had a great dance partner here too, with Balor becoming proficient at this subgenre in his own right. It’s merely a good little match in truth, I just love watching these lads wrestle.

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