Like much of Billie Starkz’ early AEW work, this earned sizeable buzz online. In fact, this match got even more than that, receiving strong reviews across the board. I’m ashamed to say that I’ve only seen clips of Starkz thus far and while I’ve seen quite a few of them, this’ll still be my first time watching a match of hers from start to finish. Though she’s obviously capable of much more, Emi Sakura is perhaps the best C-Show wrestler in company history, producing compelling work weekly.

After a duelling taunt or two, the prospect and veteran go to work, trading meaty strikes early. Sakura ultimately takes control, grounding Starkz and stretching her gleefully. As the fight returns upright however, Starkz troubles Sakura again, standing up to an onslaught and aggressively returning fire. One strike even busts Sakura’s nose, who wipes the blood in acknowledgement, almost impressed by her foe’s fire. The momentum continues to swing regardless, as Emi roughs Starkz up in response.

Starkz stays alive though, scoring a sweet Tombstone Piledriver for 2. With Sakura now reeling, Starkz heads up top, scoring on her first try but then landing violently on the apron for its ill-advised immediate sequel. Visibly surprised by Starkz’ ferocity, Sakura quickly matches her in that regard, capitalising instantly and crushing Billie against the stage. The delayed backbreaker follows in centre ring but Starkz somehow kicks out at 2, forcing a studio moonsault for the finish.

Before I go any further, I’d forgotten just how bad this setting is. I don’t want to dwell on it because it’s not the talent’s fault but even still, good lord. I love intimate settings but there’s no buzz or energy whatsoever here, they had to really ramp it up to even get any response at all. Nonetheless, this was a very impressive showing from Starkz, who really stunned me with just how comfortably she belonged opposite a pro of Sakura’s calibre.

I don’t mean that as a slight because again, I’d never truly seen her work but in terms of physicality, very few can hang with Sakura quite like this. Story and structure aren’t the point here, it’s not a match of any gripping concept or idea. Instead, it’s a fight in which Starkz simply brings it, battling with a raw intensity that jumps off the screen. Sakura is always engaging but she seemed almost inspired by the effort, going through the gears herself in response.

There’s a really refreshing grit to Starkz’ game, avoiding some of the looseness that many recent independent standouts carry with them. Starkz takes some wonderful bumps too, really committing to every move she takes in this one. I will say that this match probably plays even better in the flow of the show, as it’s good in a way that few of these studio bouts are anymore. That allows it to pack an extra punch in that context, but even in a vacuum, I had fun with this one. 

I’d actually suggest that they pair these two often on the C-Shows, with Starkz’ ascent being measured by matches with Sakura.


The Boys vs. Jeff Jarrett & Satnam Singh (AEW Dark) Match Review

This match brought an all-time great match graphic to my attention, placing Jeff Jarrett on the AEW Dark thumbnail. It’s important to note that when teaming with Satnam Singh, Jarrett walks out to his original theme, entering Universal Studios in grand style. Here, Jarrett and the big man meet The Boys, two thirds of the former ROH Six-Man Champions. Jarrett and Satnam jump The Boys at the bell and immediately, Jarrett is getting genuine heat from this crowd. An artist.

The strut soon follows, with Jarrett maintaining control early before bringing in Singh. The giant enters with a hilarious club to the back, following up via Stinger Splash of sorts and CM Punk’s famed body slam. He then simply bounces a Boy’s head on the mat, eventually flattening him with the iconic crossbody. Singh isn’t content though, pulling his opponent’s shoulder off the mat at 2. That sets the stage for a brief babyface comeback, combining to run wild on Jarrett.

The former NWA World’s Champion ends the fun before long however, bringing Singh back in to close the show, flooring both Boys with a double Chokeslam. Satnam then stacks them for the pin, with Jarrett taking advantage after the three, dishing out stomps left and right. This was real music, the kind of professional wrestling that you spend your whole life dreaming about.

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