Drew McIntyre & Sheamus vs. The Viking Raiders (WWE SmackDown) Match Review

Last week’s SmackDown was very tag team-centric and this match seemed to be the most interesting, while also earning positive reviews. I’m not surprised, with Drew McIntyre and Sheamus feeling like a winning formula in any setting, but especially against a team such as The Viking Raiders. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no great Erik and Ivar stan, but they’re a physical team, at least appearing to be a natural fit opposite the ‘Banger Bros.’

The bout’s expected tone quickly takes shape, with a Raiders jumpstart resulting in brawling at the bell. Sheamus and Erik get off to an unsurprisingly physical start, reminding me of the latter’s ability as things spill to the floor. All four men soon battle at ringside, with Sheamus taking control as only he can, briefly battering both Raiders. The crowd is truly with Sheamus here, which has been a transformative trend for him in recent months.

It appears that the intended transition was some kind of Ivar cheap shot but instead, Erik slides off Sheamus’ shoulders anyway, bringing the shine to an admittedly unceremonious end. Nonetheless, Ivar makes it count on the outside, crushing Sheamus against the barricade as we go into the heat. An ad break contains much of that stretch, as we come back to a crowd that’s already ready for the hot tag.

They take some time though, teasing the comeback before returning to a hold. The place remains lively though, benefitting from this opening slot as fans encourage Sheamus back to his feet. It’s still not quite time however, with Erik and Ivar really roughing Sheamus up, sprinkling some crunchy strikes throughout. Sheamus eventually finds a retort though, landing the Irish Curse Backbreaker for a big time double down.

That brings McIntyre in, running wild on Ivar who does a remarkable job in feeding the Scotsman. Mcintyre’s hot tag is really strong, even evolving into a full double feed, which really showcased him well. That momentum is halted in an instant though, with Ivar landing a sudden Whoopie Cushion to turn the tide. The Raiders really go to work in this short window, combining for some bruising offence as they now focus on McIntyre

I appreciated how different this attempted heat segment felt from its predecessor, requiring more teamwork as Erik and Ivar were both already reeling. Sheamus’ re-entry resets things though, resulting in all four men being down as we head into another break. We return in the midst of the heat segment that was previously threatened on Drew, but he quickly rallies, flooring Ivar only to run into a spin kick, leaving both men needing a tag.

That brings us back to the first matchup, with Sheamus and Erik meeting in centre ring for an especially physical exchange. Sheamus comes out on top, forcing a distraction from Valhalla who allows Erik to fire back. Ivar’s big splash doesn’t close the show though, with Sheamus surviving just long enough for McIntyre’s return, setting the stage for a Brogue Kick and the babyface win. At just over 17 minutes, this absolutely flew by.

It’s weird, watching this reminded me of who The Viking Raiders could be, who War Machine once were. They have their limitations but this was a really strong performance, surely one of their best on the main roster. Drew and Sheamus are just great together, the kind of combination that I love on concept alone, let alone when armed with the stylistic marriage that this pairing presents.

Really strong television opener, the kind that highlights what’s possible in this division with the right matchup and some time to explore it.

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