Daniel Garcia vs. Kevin Blackwood

Based on the runtime and setting, I don’t expect this to be much but ultimately, we must have rules to live by. This is a Daniel Garcia match on the popular YouTube platform, free, and it’s also against someone that I have heard of. Mix those ingredients together and you have something that I’ll watch, it’s really that simple. Seriously though, this is a pretty cool deal, as Garcia and his old tag team partner Kevin Blackwood (briefly) share the fabulous Forum stage.

Garcia’s emergence gets an impressive response from the live crowd which admittedly, hasn’t always been the case. Paul Wight is excited and so am I, mentioning Garcia’s more bulky frame. ‘Red Death’ takes Blackwood directly to the mat, dismissively emphasising his usual technical advantage. Blackwood has a retort though, returning the favour and then getting the better of a striking exchange also, one that Garcia initiates in fact.

Garcia doesn’t need much of an opening however, turning the tide by pushing Blackwood from the top rope to the floor. Aggression follows as Blackwood re-enters, with Garcia going to work while LA responds with ‘You’re a Wrestler’ chants. Garcia disagrees with a smug grin, maintaining control until Blackwood flurries with strikes again. Blackwood’s comeback has a nice organic flow, with Garcia attempting and failing to halt him along the way.

Increasingly desperate after failing to secure his Dragontamer though, Garcia expands his arsenal, landing a sweet Bloody Cross for the sudden win. These two share obvious stylistic overlaps, so I enjoyed the way that Garcia almost concealed that here, reigning himself in so that Blackwood’s offence would feel more impactful. That’s mostly what this was, a nice showcase of Blackwood, who maximised his minutes and had a nice outing.

Brian Cage vs. Willie Mack

What a treat. Willie Mack is a treasure and it’s wonderful to see him on this stage, even in a role such as this. Aware that people enjoy Mack, the big man is given his own entrance, it’s just hilariously assisted by the generic Dark theme. Mack is opposite Brian Cage here, bringing Lucha Underground to the AEW YouTube Cinematic Universe. Full disclosure, I have watched none of those matches. In fact, I have watched no LU at all, I should probably change that I guess?

Nonetheless, Mack quickly explodes into action, flooring Cage with a spectacular kick. In response, Cage catches him in mid air and this is immediately awesome, dynamic wrestling of the famed meathead variety. Cage briefly takes control afterwards only for Mack to fire back, bringing us to a big man double down after around 90 seconds of action. Real graps. Mack’s offensive always looks great, coming with a striking snap that’s only elevated by his endearing presence.

There’s not much to note here in terms of detail and structure which to be clear, isn’t a criticism. This is the perfect match for this moment, earning ‘Willie’ chants within minutes before reaching another double down that sets the stage for Mack’s incredible kip-up and Moonsault. If nothing else, the timing here is remarkable, as the big men exchange bombs without a hitch, hilariously reaching a third double down moments later.

The crowd is louder with each one in fairness, really rooting for Willie Mack as he heads up top. Unfortunately, it’s not to be, as Cage evades and swiftly closes the show afterwards. Wow, what a hoot, making the absolute most of what was not even six minutes. This spotlighted Mack fabulously, so much so that I’d be stunned if he doesn’t return in some form or fashion.

He genuinely belongs at this level too, which isn’t breaking news by any means. Credit to Cage also, who continues to deliver in this AEW comeback of sorts.

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