
Believe it or not, this match actually jumped off the page for me. Yes, seriously. After eighteen months or so, Brock Anderson remains an unknown quantity in my view. For the most part, Anderson has been hidden in multi-man tags, seldom having a shot at a ‘real’ singles match of any significance. Even still, my general read was that Anderson’s fundamentals were getting there, he just had a lot of work to do in other departments.

By contrast, I actually think that Daniel Garcia’s skillset is wildly misunderstood. Detractors often dismiss Garcia with a similar scouting report to what I just gave Brock, but I’ve always felt that his work was packed with passion and emotion. Garcia can be somewhat robotic but when he is, that’s the point. This is a cold, calculated killer, an unforgiving grappler with sinister intentions. I love that part of Garcia’s presentation, because it only adds weight to his inevitable unravelling as at core, a cocky, fiery hothead.

Nonetheless, I liked this potential combination and with the Pure Title on the line, they had my attention. The ruleset felt like a nice challenge for Anderson too though thankfully, this match didn’t feel limited by those specifications. To the match and immediately, I want to establish that Garcia is just excellent here. Naturally, I was focused on Anderson’s current state but as usual, Garcia wrestled with a remarkable polish and poise.

Anderson quickly makes this ‘his match,’ escaping Garcia’s hold and instantly forcing a rope break with a jerky Gator Roll. Ruffled by a disadvantage of sorts on the mat, Garcia adjusts, grabbing the hair and throwing a back elbow for good measure. Enough of that mat wrestling business, it’s time to throw some chops. Anderson is unmoved though, flooring Garcia again and targeting every limb on display. Admittedly, Anderson is very mechanical in these moments, which is where Garcia makes up the difference.

It’s no big deal, he has the right idea, just needs the confidence to go with it, tying those movements together more organically. Again though, Garcia’s selling seamlessly masks any issues here. Still rattled, the champion bails again but Anderson’s inexperience costs him, chasing Garcia and having his leg taken out in response. Garcia is fabulous on the attack, both ruthless but also measured, allowing each offering to breathe and giving Anderson time to sell. There’s a natural arrogance to Garcia too, it’s just about perfect.

As promised in his pre-match promo, Anderson willingly fights back, throwing headbutts but ultimately not halting Garcia’s demoralising control segment. Soon enough, Anderson tires of the disrespect, launching a right hand and earning a warning for his troubles. This shakes Anderson, losing his head in a way that only frustrates him more. Arn pleads with him to move on but that moment of hesitation almost costs Brock, with Garcia snatching a guillotine choke.

Anderson’s instincts get him out of jail though, powering into a suplex for the big time double down. The people respond accordingly and of course, so does Garcia, selling sheer agony as he hits the mat. A full ‘Enforcer’ comeback follows from Brock but unfortunately, the damage to his knee remains prevalent. Anderson does an impressive job of selling along the way, keeping that element central throughout. Garcia helps on that front too, smartly setting up his retort by attacking the leg.

Finally, Anderson gets himself a big near fall, dropping Garcia with the iconic DDT. Anderson can’t follow up though, his knee failing him again as Garcia remains champion with a sudden, violent piledriver. This was not a great match, it was never trying to be a great match. It was legitimately good though, following a very simple outline and comfortably colouring in-between the lines. This would best be described as a professional television match which YouTube or not, should be the goal on these C-Shows in my view.

With a traditional structure, these guys told a nice story and focused on single details rather than overcomplicating things. As expected, Anderson is more than capable of being plugged into this kind of bout, he just needs the experience of doing so more often and hopefully, the rest will come. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that he’s some can’t miss world champion in the making, it was just nice to see him involved in something worthwhile.

As for Garcia, his work speaks for itself, an absolutely extraordinary wrestling brain for any talent, let alone a 24 year old. The Pure Champion steered this ship smoothly, guiding Anderson at a pace that assisted both as well as the match itself. More of this on these YouTube shows please, it’s such an easy way to add some substance to what’s incredibly accessible action. Either way, credit to these two guys, maximising their minutes with a genuinely enjoyable title match.

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